Migraines are a neurological condition which may present in different ways. The two most common are migraine headaches with aura (previously called classic migraine) and migraine headaches without aura. Both include moderate to severe pain, usually one sided, headache. The headache is often pulsating in nature and can last from 4-72 hours. In migraine with aura the headache is preceded, or possibly accompanied by, other nasty symptoms including nausea (and sometimes vomiting), visual disturbance, sensitivity to light, sound and smell. Whilst migrainous headaches can affect anyone at any age, 75% of sufferers are women and 3-7% are children. In the UK it is estimated there are 190,000 migraine attacks every day and an estimated 25 million days are lost from work or school because of migraines. Reflex Spinal Health offer excellent treatment for migraine headaches in Reading.