Vitamin D is crucial for many aspects of a healthy life, yet many of us have no idea if we’re getting enough, writes Navita Doshi (qualifying as a Nutritional Therapist), and team member at Reflex Spinal Health. Read on to find out what vitamin D is, how to get it, why it’s so important, the potential signs of low Vit D, and how much you need.
Vitamin D – Bottled Sunshine
Vit D is a fat-soluble vitamin that comes in different forms.
The 2 main forms are D3 and D2 – both are inactive.
Vitamin D needs to be in its active form called calcitriol for our bodies to use it.(2)
Exposing your skin to the sun is the easiest and most natural way to top up your Vit D. When our skin absorbs ultraviolet-B (UVB) radiation from the sun, cholesterol in the skin is converted to the inactive pre-vitamin D which requires further changes within the body to become active (Figure 1).(3)
The British Skin Foundation, recommends limited skin exposure without sun protection to minimise the risk of sunburn and skin cancer: (4)
Figure 1: How we get Vitamin D from the sun
Supplementation is important, especially for those at increased risk of deficiency e.g.: (6)
Inactive D3 or D2 is converted to its active form by undergoing a 2-step conversion process, first within our livers and then our kidneys using various enzymes and other nutrients such as magnesium and vitamin B5.(9) Finally, the active (usable) Vit D is now called calcitriol and is released from our kidneys into our blood, ready to be transported throughout our body (Figure 1). (3)
Well-established health benefits of vitamin D:
Lesser-known health benefits of vitamin D:
It is essential to note that the health benefits ranging from blood pressure to brain health were demonstrated in individuals who were deficient and then brought their levels to an optimal range.
Our Practice Manager Louisa – topping up on Vitamin D
How does Vitamin D affect so many different areas of health?
Vit D can influence how your genes work, by binding to a vit D receptor inside cells which then binds directly to different gene locations.(20) This vit D receptor is found in every organ of the body (including the brain) and in more than 30 different tissues.
What are optimal levels of Vitamin D?
The reference ranges below are used by the NHS: (21)
The NHS recommends children from the age of 1 year and adults (Including pregnant and breastfeeding women and people at risk of vit D deficiency) take –
10 micrograms (mcg/μg) of vitamin D a day
= 400 IU (International units) (22)
Those with very low vit D levels should consult their healthcare practitioner for the right level of supplementation as they may prescribe higher doses for a limited time. Taking too much over an extended period can become toxic, resulting in excess calcium in the blood. (23)
Higher dose vit D supplements should also be taken with vitamin K.
Vitamin K helps to direct calcium to the bones.(24) Without it, the increased calcium can be deposited in arteries and soft tissues causing them to stiffen. It is best to discuss with your health practitioner how much vitamin K to take. Vitamin D and vitamin K2 are often sold in a combined form.
You could be lacking nutrients needed to make active vitamin D such as magnesium or B-vitamins.(9) Equally, you could be genetically predisposed to not making sufficient vitamin D.(20)
In summary, Vit D is crucial to your health having positive benefits from your bones, your brain and imposing your overall health, wellness and wellbeing. If in the UK, try and get some sun on your skin between April to September. Consider supplementation if you think you may be low in vitamin D. It is difficult to get sufficient vit D with food alone. If you’re concerned about your vit D levels, please consult your healthcare practitioner who would know how best to optimise your levels
17 Church Road, Caversham, Reading, Berkshire RG4 7AA
Reflex Spinal Health are a passionate, dynamic spinal health team. We are committed to help as many in our community of Reading, Berkshire and South Oxfordshire to enjoy the vitality of great health, to reach their health goals and feel truly alive! Our chiropractors and osteopaths offer the highest standards of care in a superb environment.